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video marketing

Video Marketing

In the year 2015, 78% of marketers demonstrated how important is video marketing for business. In 2020, 92% of marketers anticipated that video will play a significant role in their marketing plans.

What exactly makes video so crucial? Well, in 2020, 88% of marketers claimed that video marketing yields a profit for them. It has been extensively used for business since 2018. It was considered a video revolution year in the marketing industry. 

You’re losing out on a sizable portion of your prospective customer base if the video isn’t currently a key component of your marketing plan.

Why video marketing for business?

Let’s be realistic. Video is not the least expensive type of content. However, your results will amaze you if you put in the time and money to create a solid marketing strategy. Business goals can be accomplished almost entirely by using video. Reasons why video marketing for business are:

Leads to Conversion & Sales

Besides your strategy, video can make you some serious money – compared to text-based content. Studies show that 74% of users who watched a video explaining products will immediately decide to buy it. Hence, we can tell how attractive a video can be so it triggers our ‘buy button’ on our mind to function now!

If you still doubt this, let me explain it to you very simply.

This particular point of video marketing can be supported by our logical thinking. You see, the effectiveness of video is beyond our imagination. But what you can think of is visual aid is important to attract people’s attention. Do you know why? Because our visual sensory is our most dominant sense. So imagine, if a picture can boost engagement massively, so how about a video?

Yes, exactly!

This is one of the reasons why you need a video in your business. Moving on to the next one.

video marketing

Improves return on investment

Although, producing a video is not easy because you need to create a great storyboard to get a perfect story for your video, trust me. It is not the most straightforward task to do but all your sweat and tears pay off big time. Have you ever heard of;

People love to watch a video because the content does tell everything to them. That’s why content somehow matters the most!

According to HubSpot’s survey, over 93% of marketers use video as a key component of their marketing plans. Additionally, you can evaluate the outcomes of your video campaign.

Videos are easily adaptable to various channels, including your website, social media, email marketing, and newsletters.

Improves Customer trust

Videos not only give your audience engaging content, but they also humanize your business. If online customers can watch and hear a real person speak about your product or service, your message will be far more credible and increase trust.

Improves SEO

Google prioritizes pages with videos when determining how to rank websites on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). Video is a fantastic marketing tool, but it’s also an effective SEO strategy.

Mobile user

Most mobile users favor online video content. And now, more individuals than ever before are using their phones to access content.  

What do individuals do on their smartphones? Mobile users watch videos on social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The top downloaded app in 2020 was TikTok, a video-sharing and video-watching app. Based on data by eMarketer, 75% of all videos are watched on mobile devices.

Improves social share

Sharing videos with friends is twice as common as sharing any other content such as blog posts, social network postings, articles, and product sites (Wyzowl).

Social media videos have a 12 times higher likelihood of being shared than text and photos combined. Furthermore, a staggering 92% of mobile video users claimed to share videos with others (Small Biz Trends).

video marketing

Video marketing is easier to understand

Video marketing is the easiest type of marketing content to understand. Most people prefer video over written content like blog posts, articles, and product pages.

Videos are ideal for businesses because they easily explain goods or services and make consumers make fast decisions.  Additionally, video content is crucial if your company wants to promote its brand in a particular way.

94% of marketers who used video claim that it has improved consumers’ understanding of their goods or services. Videos are exactly the type of content that internet users are looking for because they are simple to consume and captivating, 72% of consumers prefer a video over text when given the choice to learn more about a good or service (Wyzowl).


It’s not as easy as recording video with a mobile phone camera to create a video marketing strategy. It’s more than that. The videos need to be optimized for SEO, and good user experience. It requires careful planning of video production, scripting, creative thinking, and marketing campaigns.

Make sure you have the skills and knowledge necessary to help your business produce video which carries your brand and more.

office colleagues discussing video marketing in office


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