
Make Money Online



What is ghostwriting?

Simply said, ghostwriting job is producing articles for another person while using their name. It’s a type of freelance writing where you don’t receive credit for your efforts. But you are compensated.

If you improve your writing skills, the ghostwriting job can be financially rewarding. Although ghostwriting is freelance writing, it differs since you are putting someone else’s interests forward in your work.

What makes you a good writer for someone else? If they want to take credit for the writing, wouldn’t it make more sense for them to write it themselves?

Typically, people who lack writing ability and those who are too busy to write themselves look for authors. This includes CEOs, celebrities, bloggers, and entrepreneurs.

They write content for blogs, websites, e-books, and even social media posts. Writing for traditional print media such as novels and memoirs, ads, educational PDFs, newsletters, and marketing letters are also common in their jobs.

How much does a ghostwriter earn?


Ghostwriters or authors earn a good income. In general, earning from ghostwriting is better than freelancing. Some authors charge more because their name isn’t associated with the writing in order to make up for the missed opportunity to promote their brand.

The fact that prospective clients are seeking someone who can effectively convey their ideas to a bigger audience. This is another factor contributing to the higher earnings for ghostwriting. Once a client is comfortable with the author, he will forge a long-term relationship with him and be willing to pay more.

Authors’ earnings for writing articles for clients vary and depend on many factors. Normally, they will listen to their client about what they want and their budget. Their charges for an article depend on:

  • The length of the article
  • The extent of research work required
  • The writer’s experience and quality of work
  • The nature of clients

Their rates can be:

  • Lumpsum
  • Rate per word

The chargeable amount can be as low as $100 to $150 for a short piece writing job that requires minimal research. The amount can be more depending on the topic and the number of years of experience as a writer. Some authors charge $500 to $1500 per article depending on the number of words, and the topic.

Some authors charge based on the number of words; 10-15 cents per word for blogs is a lower range. Most authors charge between 20 to 30 cents per word for blogs. In the higher range, the rate can be as high as 50 cents per word.

There are many authors who have achieved 6 to 7 figures income which include:

  • Jon Morrow
  • Ash Ambirge
  • Natalie Sisson
  • Greg Miliates

How to become a ghostwriter?


Don’t forget to write your own articles and publish them on your website or blog. Before looking for a writing job, try to get as much experience as you can under your own portfolio.

If you have a sizable portfolio to your name, hiring managers will feel comfortable before considering you. Additionally, even if you write occasionally, be sure to keep up your own writing career.

You must compile a portfolio of written work that bears your name on it because you cannot claim credit for ghostwritten articles. Before hiring you, potential clients will request to see your own articles.

Start accepting low-paying writing assignments. Look into guest posting on other websites and blogs if you are having trouble landing writing jobs. As a writer, it can take some time to gain some traction, but all your hard work will be rewarded.

How to find ghostwriting jobs?

Job boards

Pro Blogger, Upwork, and Fiverr are good places to look for ghostwriter positions. They are challenging and typically pay little, but they provide you with a good writing experience.

LinkedIn page

Make sure to include ghostwriting in your list of abilities. An additional resource for discovering writing jobs is LinkedIn Profinder.

Attending gatherings and conference

It is another way to find writing opportunities.


You can join networking or a mastermind group with other writers and word-of-mouth. These are the two strategies that work best for getting employment as an author.

Your clientele will spread the word about you if you develop a reputation as a talented writer. They have their own networks of co-workers, friends, and other individuals who might be seeking a writer similar to you.

Facebook Community

Join Facebook communities in your niche or for freelance writers.

Take the time to read, comment on, and share the posts of other writers on social media as you follow them.

Because other writers provided work leads, you will be able to secure many writing jobs.

Conclusion-make money from ghostwriting

A great way to complement your full-time job’s revenue is through ghostwriting. For stay-at-home parents wishing to support their family financially, it’s also a good part-time career. Many authors have been able to leave their day jobs and pursue writing full-time. Along the journey as a writer, you will gain a lot of knowledge, and increase your confidence. You will then be rewarded accordingly.

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