
Make Money Online




How will a housewife make money from a homestay business? You can only know some things to make money from this business. Eventually, you will learn and improve your business. Having the option to stay at home has many benefits, but missing a regular cash flow is not one of them. Being a housewife does not imply that you will make little or no money.

I started a homestay business managed by my wife. I don’t interfere in the business at all. She handles well and makes money from this business while taking care of our children. She wrote this article for your benefit.

If you plan to venture into a homestay business, this article will provide you with a complete guide. I started my homestay business in early 2020 with zero knowledge. Due to the pandemic, I struggled to sell the property.  I recovered my investment within six months of starting the business.  

A homestay business is a short-term rental where a property owner rents out a room or their entire home to guests. It’s an alternative accommodation option for travelers. It is also a way for homeowners to earn an extra income. This blog post will provide valuable information and guidance on successful homestay nosiness. The post covers such as:

  • setting up the homestay
  • marketing
  • managing reservations
  • and, maximizing income potential

Setting up your homestay business

Right location

Choosing the right location for your homestay business is crucial to its success. A few key factors to consider when selecting a location include:


Is the area a popular tourist destination? If so, there will likely be a high demand for lodging and your homestay may be able to command higher prices.


Is the area accessible by public transportation or major roads? This will make it easier for guests to reach your homestay.


Are there nearby restaurants, shops, and other attractions that guests can enjoy? This can make your homestay more desirable to potential guests.

Local laws and regulations

Are there any laws or regulations that may affect your business? Check the local rules.


Is there already a large number of homestays in the area? If so, it may be harder to stand out and attract guests.

Safety and Security

Is the area considered safe and secure? It concerns guests and should consider when choosing a location.

the above factors will help you to select the right location for your homestay.

Preparing your home for guests

Preparing your home for guests is important in setting up your homestay business. Here are a few things to consider when preparing your home:


Make sure your home is clean and well-maintained before guests arrive.


Provide guests with the amenities they need to make their stay comfortable. This includes fresh linens, towels, toiletries, and kitchen supplies.


Ensure that your home is safe for guests. Ensure that smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are working.


Ensure your home is comfortable for guests. Provide adequate heating and cooling, good lighting, and comfortable furniture.


Provide guests with a certain level of privacy such as a private entrance.

Decor and art

Make your home appealing and interesting to guests. You can provide the decor, art, and personal touch in the guest rooms or common areas.


Leave clear instructions and information for guests. You can provide information on appliances, access to Wi-Fi, and local recommendations.

In this way, you can ensure that your guests have a comfortable and pleasant stay in your home. This also helps to attract future guests and positive reviews.

Setting prices and creating a listing

Here are a few things to consider when setting prices and creating a listing:

Research comparable listings

Look at similar homestays in your area to get an idea of what prices are being charged. This will help you to set prices that are competitive and will attract guests.

Consider your costs

Take into account your expenses when setting your prices. You will want to set prices that will allow you to make a profit while still being competitive.


Prices can fluctuate depending on the season and demand.

Extra services

you can offer services such as meals or transportation.


Include clear and detailed information about your property such as:

  • the number of rooms
  • amenities
  • photographs

Be honest about your property and what guests can expect from their stay.


Be flexible with your prices, you can offer discounts for more extended stays or special events.

Review and update

Review and update your prices based on the following:

  • local demand
  • costs
  • improvements to your property.

Competitive prices and accurate and detailed listings will attract more guests.

Marketing your homestay business

Social media and online platforms

A few ways to use social media and online platforms to promote your homestay:

Create a social media presence

Share photos and information about your homestay on social media platforms as follows:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

Online booking platforms

Many travelers use online booking platforms to find lodging as follows:

  • Airbnb
  • Vrbo
  • Agoda

Make sure you have registered with the above platforms. They increase your homestay visibility and attract potential guests.

Create a website

Create a website for your homestay that includes:

  • photos
  • reviews
  • contact information

Use your website to promote your homestay and connect with potential guests.

Hashtags and keywords

Use relevant hashtags and keywords on social media and your website. This will make it easy for potential guests to find your homestay.

Use Influencers

Collaborate with local influencers or travel bloggers. This will help to showcase your property and reach a wider audience.

Use review platforms

Encourage guests to leave reviews on online platforms and social media.  Positive reviews can be a powerful tool for attracting future guests.

Building relationships with local businesses

Building relationships is an effective way to promote your homestay business. A few ways to build relationships with local businesses and organizations:

Partner with local businesses

Partner with local businesses such as restaurants, shops, and tour operators. Provide discounts or special offers to attract potential guests. This will create a sense of community around your homestay.

Attend local events:

Attend local events such as festivals, fairs, and farmers’ markets. This will connect you with potential guests and promote your homestay.

Join local organizations

Join local organizations such as chambers of commerce, tourism boards, and neighborhood associations.

Use local media

Advertise your homestay in local media such as newspapers, magazines, and radio stations.

Create a referral program

Create referral programs with local businesses and organizations. They will earn a commission for every guest they refer to your homestay.

Offer a package deal

Create a package deal with local businesses and organizations for guests.

Creating a website or blog for your homestay

A website or blog can promote your business and attract potential guests. Here are a few things to consider when creating a website or blog for your homestay:

Make it informative and appealing

Make it easy to book – include a call to action such as a “Book Now” button. Potential guests will find it easier to make a reservation.

Showcase your local area

Use a booking plugin to allow guests to book from your website.

Use a blog

Share your local knowledge and give guests a sense of the local culture and community. Use it to share tips, local recommendations, and personal stories about your area.

Optimize for search engines

Use relevant keywords and meta tags to optimize your website or blog for search engines. Potential guests will find your homestay when searching for lodging in your area.

Make it mobile friendly

Make sure your website or blog is mobile-friendly and responsive.  Many people use their smartphones to book travel accommodations

Managing your homestay business

Setting house rules and expectations for guests

A few things to consider when setting house rules and expectations for guests:

  • Be clear and specific
  • Communicate with the guests in person
  • Provide a guidebook
  • Respect for privacy
  • Be flexible
  • Enforce your house rules and expectations

Reservations and payments

Here are a few things to consider when handling reservations and payments:

  • Use online booking platforms such as Airbnb,, Vrbo, and Agoda. These platforms provide guests with an easy and secure way to book and pay for their stay.
  • Have a cancellation policy
  • Accept many forms of payment
  • Use a payment gateway
  • Communicate with guests
  • Have a confirmation process
  • Keep accurate records

Providing excellent customer service

Here are a few things to consider when providing excellent customer service:

  • Timely response to guests’ inquiries and messages.
  • Be friendly and welcoming
  • Be attentive to guests’ needs
  • Provide local knowledge and recommendations
  • Follow up after guests’ stay
  • Be flexible
  • Be professional

Maximizing your income with your homestay business

Offer more services such as meals or transportation

A few things to consider when offering more services such as meals or transportation:

  • Research local demand
  • Consider your capabilities
  • Set a fair price
  • Communicate with guests
  • Make it easy for guests to book
  • Offer package deals
  • Follow local laws and regulations

Renting out the space for events

Factors to consider:

  • Research local demand:
  • Consider your space
  • Set a fair price
  • Communicate with potential clients
  • Provide more service
  • Insure your property

Generate passive income from your homestay

A few ways to generate passive income from your homestay include:

  • Rent out your space on a long-term basis
  • Rent out your unused space for storage
  • Rent out your parking space
  • Rent out your garden
  • Invest in smart-home technology such as smart locks. It’s easy to manage your homestay allowing you to generate passive income even when you are away.
  • Offer a concierge service

passive income can supplement your income and make your business more sustainable. It allows you to make the most out of your property and resources. In this way, it can help to attract future guests and have positive reviews.


Starting a homestay business can be a great way to earn extra income. It allows you to be your boss and manage your own business. Here are a few reasons why starting a homestay business might be right for you:

  • Flexibility
  • Extra income
  • Meet new people
  • Learning opportunity
  • Sense of accomplishment
  • Be a host

But keep in mind that running a homestay business requires effort and dedication. It also requires compliance with local laws, regulations, taxes, and insurance. To start a homestay business, it is essential to do your research.

It is a perfect venture for housewives to start a homestay business as it is rewarding and brings in exciting experiences. High potential to provide more income.

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