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Marketing automation

What is marketing automation?

Marketing automation is the simplification and measurement of marketing processes and workflows. Its goal is to boost operational effectiveness and accelerate revenue growth.

Every firm wants to increase income and grow steadily while spending less money. However, many businesses find it difficult to match their technology, procedures, and employees to these objectives. Marketing automation helps to resolve the above difficulties. It combines software and strategies to produce a more effective marketing system for you and the clients of your company.

You may automate a variety of marketing processes which include:

  • content management
  • lead generation
  • social media marketing
  • email marketing
  • customer service

Benefits of using marketing automation for your business

Lead generation and nurturing

Lead generation and nurturing are time-consuming processes. It can be streamlined and automated by marketing automation solutions. It is obvious that you may save time by eliminating the processes from your daily routine.

The system can also be used for automated scheduled follow up with your potential customers. It also helps to build trust with them and provide product updates.

Maintain the existing customers

Relationship building with your existing clients through social media, email and website can be made easier with marketing automation. In addition to increasing consumer trust, the system can also give you the opportunity to introduce new clients.

Keeping existing customers is less expensive compared to acquiring new ones. By connecting with your consumers on your behalf and maintaining their loyalty and happiness, automation helps you save money.

In the future, customer relationships with humans will be reduced tremendously.  

Personalized automation

With the help of marketing automation, your content management system may display “dynamic content,” which essentially changes based on who visits the website. The website will display customized and pertinent material and offers based on the visitor’s profile. This gives your company the best chance to reach the right customer with the right offer at the right moment.

Some large companies tailor their offers based on your individual browsing history and purchases. You could incorporate the above on your company website. It could boost your company’s sales.

Social media

You can give your followers frequent and useful posts by automating your social media marketing. By planning postings about special product deals or fascinating business news, you can ensure that your consumer base continues to remember you.

You may save a few hours each week by scheduling all your social media postings via marketing automation.

Lead scores

Depending on how a lead interacts with your website or marketing content, you can set up workflows. This could trigger an automation system that will update the lead’s lifecycle. You can also send targeted follow-up emails from these triggers.

This automation lets you prioritize prospects who might benefit from a human reach-out if they are about to enter an exciting buyer’s journey.  This is in addition to nurturing your leads for you.

By emphasizing your most engaged leads, you avoid wasting time on unqualified leads that aren’t even prepared to converse.

Revenue growth

It is simple to boost income and increase your bottom line because the best marketing automation has so many capabilities as follows.

  • There are no longer data silos between the marketing and sales departments.
  • Fund for marketing initiatives is optimized.
  • Faster generation of leads that qualify for marketing.
  • First-party consumer data can be easily enhanced, making it simple to rank and organize leads.
  • Clean and full consumer data across instances and geographies improves campaign outcomes.
  • Greater capacity to lead potential customers through the purchasing process by sending the appropriate messages across the appropriate channels at the appropriate times.
  • Successful selection of the most efficient marketing initiatives and distribution plans.
  • Analytics that make it possible to forecast the results of marketing and sales initiatives in terms of revenue.

How to choose marketing automation software for your business?

The following factors may help to decide the best marketing automation software for your business:

  • Your business requirements
  • Cost factor
  • Easy to use
  • The tool’s capabilities for analysis and reporting
  • Availability of demo
  • Research configuration
  • Limitations

Marketing automation software

There are plenty of tools or software available in the market. You need to choose a tool or product that could help your business and be within your budget. Below is the list of some marketing automation software available in the market:

  • Hubspot marketing automation
  • Moosend
  • EngageBay
  • SendinBlue
  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud Account Engagement
  • Ortto
  • GetResponse
  • Mautic
  • Marketo
  • Userfox
  • Omnisend
  • Eloqua
  • Pardot
  • Infusionsoft


Businesses may serve their markets better with the help of marketing automation. This gives them the ability to manage consumer profiles and data. Most automation solutions are completely capable of supporting a comprehensive marketing strategy, which is essential for successful customer acquisition, conversion, and retention.

Digital marketing automation’s future automation, and particularly AI-driven solutions, are expanding fast. The tools that we use today might become obsolete the following year. They might develop a new version that may provide solutions for all processes including marketing.

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