
Make Money Online


Email marketing

What is email marketing?

Email marketing helps to effectively communicate with your prospects with promotional emails to promote your brand. It has the power to raise brand awareness, inform leads and customers, and increase sales and profits.

Customers who have already expressed interest in your company are more likely to purchase your goods or services. After they subscribed to your emails, you can start contacting them with offers.

You must deliver emails to your subscribers at a time that is convenient for them if you want to increase interaction. If the timing and content of your emails are immaterial, someone else who is more engaging will get their business.

Steps to make money with email marketing

Targeted list

You should start your marketing by creating a focused email list. You cannot even begin your campaign without a list.

Getting visitors to become subscribers is the best way to gather email addresses. But how exactly do you do that? Because not all of your visitors might be eager to register as subscribers.

A popup that appears as a user is about to leave a website has been utilized by many successful email marketers to convert visitors into subscribers. Exit-intent popups are purposefully made to show up on your users’ screens as soon as they attempt to leave your website.

Email marketing campaign goal

Do you understand the purpose of your campaign? If you don’t have a clear objective or goals, you should quit. Think about the action you want your subscribers to take while you take a break. Improving your sales target should be one of your goals.

After a long period of inactivity, reactivate your existing subscribers by providing them with something they’ll enjoy. Segment your subscriber list to send out more targeted emails.

You don’t always have to share the same objectives. Depending on your conversion objectives, you can create your own list.

Engaging emails

  • Your email subject title line is very important and convinces your followers to open it. You run the risk of losing their interest if you don’t write something compelling.
  • Write persuasively. Your paragraphs and sentences should be brief. Your readers will find it simple to understand your content.
  • Establish a relationship with the readers. You can accomplish it by changing the writing’s tone. This gives your readers the impression that you are conversing with them personally.
  • Use the reader’s name to make the email more personalized. Using their name in the email can give them the impression that the message was created with them in mind. You may quickly capture their attention by doing this.
  • Finally, be specific. Long emails waste people’s time. They are also uninteresting. So don’t waste time talking about topics that are not important.

Boost clicks

If you want your email marketing to convert:

  • Consider including psychological gaming in your plan.
  • Using urgency, you can persuade visitors to your website to take immediate action. For instance, you could give the impression that they are running out of time and that the sale is about to finish.
  • Alternatively, you may use attention-grabbing power words that are time-sensitive.
  • Showing that your goods can run out of stock is another approach to getting people’s attention. So in this case, scarcity can be used to encourage action. People will act sooner rather than later since they don’t want to miss the opportunity.

Email marketing template design

The layout of your copy is a crucial next step to take into account. Make an effort to make it appear professional.

The greatest email service providers, like Constant Contact, offer stunning templates with expert design work that are effective at driving conversions.

Third, take note of your CTAs. For your buttons to be aesthetically pleasing and functional, use the appropriate text, color, and size.


Instead of always selling, it might sometimes be beneficial to give things out for free. Free downloads, hints, advice, and other things of that nature are all possible. Readers are inspired to act by this. Because we all love free things, it goes without saying.


By upselling your goods or services, you can use email marketing to generate extra income. This is a common technique where you cleverly convince your consumer to make a second purchase.

Cross-sell other products

Cross-selling related product is an additional profitable strategy for email marketing. You can persuade your user to spend more money on an additional product they are interested in buying using this strategy.

After the transaction is complete, you can send an automatic email promoting a related item you’re selling.

Follow up

The send button must be clicked as the last step. Sometimes those who receive your emails won’t respond by simply reading them. Therefore, be sure to follow up.

Take a day or two to pass after sending the email. Following that, you might send your subscribers a brief follow-up email. Many email marketing providers allow you to automate the sending of follow-up emails. They resend emails to recipients who haven’t yet opened them. This serves as a gentle reminder and raises the likelihood that people will actually act.


Research demonstrates that email marketing is still the most effective way to communicate with people. It still outperforms other channels. This is despite the rise in popularity of social media and other messaging platforms.  

By 2022, there will be 4.14 billion daily email users worldwide and revenue from email marketing in 2022 will generate 8.49 billion USD (Statista).

Hence, it is highly recommended email marketing platforms be used as one of the marketing channels for business.

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