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According to eCommerce statistics, poor customer service results in a $75 billion loss for e-commerce companies each year. In the online purchasing process, almost 70% of buyers decide not to complete their purchases. One of the main reasons is cart abandonment.

Reason for checkout abandonment and solutions

Just browsing to survey

Customers tend to look around or aren’t ready to make a purchase. Due to this, they frequently remove items from their shopping carts. They might wish to conduct additional research, check the pricing, or consider all of their possibilities.

You may use the dynamic remarketing process to get their attention back by displaying ads to previous visitors.  They may come back and reconsider purchasing at a later date.

If you have their email address, you can send an email to the buyer on the abandoned cart.  The email shall remind the buyer of the unfinished transaction. With the reminder, if the buyer returns and completes their purchase, you can provide free delivery or a discount as an added incentive.

According to research, 11% of customers who receive an email regarding an abandoned cart will click through and make a purchase.


Extra cost for shipping

The additional cost of shipping results in people leaving their online purchasing carts. If the total cost is larger than their anticipated cost, and the customer is unaware of it until the checkout process, they can decide to abandon the website. You can make the customer complete the process by providing free shipping.

Account Registration

Some buyers may think account registration would take too much time and effort to register an account for your eCommerce store, customers may abandon their cart. The buyers also do not feel comfortable about their personal information being saved on the site.

Allowing customers to check out as guests are one of the best practices for designing an online checkout experience. This indicates that a consumer may make a purchase from your store without having to create or remember a login and password.

Allowing users to log in using a social account, like Facebook, is a good choice. The checkout procedure will be faster this way.

Long check-out process o

Too long a process or they are unsure how to proceed with the following steps, clients occasionally give up on the checkout process. The solution is to simplify the process, and customers are more likely to complete the process.

Navigation on mobile

More people are doing online shopping in eCommerce stores using their mobile devices. Navigating a website designed for a larger screen on a mobile device might be challenging. It’s due to the smaller screen on mobile devices than on a desktop or laptop. By creating a responsive website, clients can easily navigate your website on any device.


Security concerns

Customers abandoning their online shopping carts may be due to a lack of trust as they need to reveal credit card details and personal data.  

By ensuring the security of your website and payment options, you can alleviate customers’ worries. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) safeguards the security and integrity of information passed between a user’s computer and a website. Hence, it is highly recommended to install HTTPS on your site.

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate, is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and permits an encrypted connection. SSL is required in order to use HTTPS. Customers can determine whether they can trust your website by seeing the SSL certificate icon throughout the checkout process.

Payment method

Customers may quit your website if they can’t use their preferred payment method. By providing a variety of payment options, such as debit cards, credit cards, PayPal, or mobile payments like Google Pay, you may increase consumer satisfaction. Allowing customers to pay installments is an additional choice.

Too long deliveries

Customers may not complete the checkout process if the delivery estimated duration is too long. Customers can receive their products faster if the company opts for more delivery companies or switches to a speedier delivery company. The customer can select the shipping option they want depending on their projected delivery time.

Checkout mistakes

Customers may feel irritated and leave your website if they have a problem while checking out. This will affect their confidence level and abandon the cart.

You should periodically test the website for bugs, especially with the checkout procedure. Don’t presume that visitors will get in touch with you if something on your website breaks.

Return policy

Customers are aware that there is a risk involved in purchasing goods thru eCommerce stores without first seeing them. Customers can be hesitant to complete their purchase if a site doesn’t allow returns. If the client must pay for the return freight, the checkout process will be abandoned.

Customers are more inclined to make a purchase if they are aware that they can return the item if it isn’t what they were looking for. A welcoming return policy shows that the business stands by product quality.


We have discussed the reasons for cart abandonment in the checkout process and the solutions. Risk reduction should be a continuous process, therefore you can’t let your guard down even for a second. Smaller eCommerce businesses should avoid such mistakes. Otherwise, they will disappear overnight.

Protecting your e-commerce website and digital assets means you are also protecting your consumers and their data, regardless of whether you run a major corporation or a small business.

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