
Make Money Online


Writing reviews

What are writing reviews?

Writing reviews are critical analyses that are published online, in a newspaper or magazine, or both. A review used to be of a book, concert, movie, or possibly a television program. They are currently being utilized more and more online for a variety of tasks, such as reviewing and rating products, services, restaurants, locations, and events.

Why writing reviews are important?

Writing reviews are an effective strategy for your company to develop brand authority. They are the sort of “advertising” that consumers believe to be the most reliable and credible.

Reviews are significant because they allow potential customers to learn about the positive interactions that others have had with your business and help your company identify its strong points and opportunities for improvement.

The purpose of writing reviews includes:

  • To highlight the shortcomings for improvement
  • To provide a better value for money to customers
  • To create competition
  • To provide realization to the inventors
  • To identify gaps
  • To create trust
  • For research
  • For the analytical study

Writing reviews about a business can positively or negatively impact the business depending on the reviews. Positive reviews will improve business and customer trust and increase customers.

On the other hand, negative reviews potentially reduce revenue or increase losses, losing customers’ trust and customers may give business to competitors.

Best ways of writing reviews to get paid

Based on research, 86% of customers review nearby businesses when looking for goods or services that confirm their recommendations.

It is not surprising that many brands and businesses are eager to pay you to express your opinion about them. For this reason, you may get paid for writing reviews.

Review stream

Review stream pays you for each sincere original and high-quality review and posts it on the company’s website. It is in operation since 2005 and is still going strong.

You may easily make $2 per review about a good or service you’ve tried on the site. Anyone may post a review on this site and get paid well for it if the content is good.

Thanks to their sophisticated voting system, you will receive a $0.10 cash bonus when other members vote on your review. An upvote signifies that readers will find your review informative and pertinent.

You must write at least 10 reviews before you may withdraw your money. Writing reviews earn you money at a regular or bulk rate.


Clients who use UserTesting ask you to honestly review products, app/website prototypes, and messages independently.

This platform has so far provided reviews for some 35,000+ firms which include Walmart, Facebook, Capital One, Grammarly, and Domino.

To qualify to offer reviews, you need to fulfill the following criteria:

  • At least 18 years old
  • Access to a microphone
  • Speak your thoughts aloud
  • Pass a sample test based on your demographic

Upon evaluating your sample test reviews, UserTesting will confirm that you are successful and eligible to participate in their review and testing jobs.


SoftwareJudge is the biggest website for writing software reviews. Its review programs include cloud computing, online security, tax preparation, and standard office tasks.

You will be paid up to $50 for an honest review and comprehensive. The minimum payout is 10 cents. Each person is allowed to submit up to 3 reviews each day. The minimum cash-out amount is $200.

Regular reviewers get free game downloads and product keys as a bonus.


Slicethepie will invite you to watch a little video clip or listen to a song and submit your thoughts afterward if you enjoy discovering and listening to new music.

Before leaving a review, you must listen to the song for at least one and a half minutes.

Not just music, however. Before their release, you can give reviews for advertisements, fashion items, and accessories. Your sincere reviews of brands, artists, and labels improve their works.

You may easily make $5–$12/hour writing reviews. The minimum withdrawal is $10 and payment is made via PayPal.  

American Consumer Opinion

You may get paid to submit reviews for businesses on the survey website American Consumer Opinion. More than 7 million people use the website, and more than $30 million in incentives have been paid to date. Create an account and do surveys to get started.

Each survey you complete will give you points, which you can exchange for gift cards or PayPal cash. You may earn extra money by giving your opinion to businesses through American Consumer Opinion.

Writing reviews of products

You get paid as a product tester for using different products at home and providing comments.

You can accept product testing jobs from companies looking for your opinion by simply creating a free profile and entering basic details about your home and shopping preferences.

Reviews pay $25 on average, according to Product Review Jobs, and if you enjoy trying out new things and giving them your input, this may be a lot of fun as a side business.

These jobs are mainly available in the U.S.

Book reviewing websites

Some book reviewing websites are hiring reviewers if you wish to get paid to write book reviews, including:


Start a review blog site

Starting a review blog site and expanding your readership is a long-term strategy to make money.

You can start making money with product or service reviews if you enjoy writing content in a niche that is popular for influencer marketing.

Websites for Writing Reviews That Offer Products or Prizes

  • PINCHme
  • Smiley360
  • Tryazon


Writing reviews of products, services, music, software, etc are a great way of making a side hustle. While some websites compensate for reviews, others only offer free goods.  Some websites will want more thorough reviews than others.

The websites and methods we’ve listed are excellent choices for earning some extra money each month by writing reviews. It’s crucial to keep in mind to write honest reviews. Long-term, this will be better for you and the users of the website.

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